What is this?

This is a blog where I'll be writing up any dreams I feel I'm awake enough to write about. I may even do some analysis.

Treat this as a Dream Diary, basically.

Friday, 11 August 2023

10th August 23 - Shops (some NSFW)

I'm staring at the map of a region, though most of it but certain urban areas are whited out, in a very video gamey 'you haven't explored this area' or 'you aren't allowed here' kind of way. I focus in on one part of the map, it's close to the centre of a city, and I'm suddenly looking into a small indoor market. A central walking space is surrounded by around 12 different small businesses. I scan over them from above, as the details of each become clearer. Most of them seem to be alcohol related, with a few craft beer stalls and one devoted to mead. I'm inside the market space now, and I go to check the meads where I sadly find that none are vegan.

I leave the market and find myself in a European style city, lots of old grey stone, and cobbled roads. I am standing next to a shop with a wooden door and iron fixings that my two housemates (J & L) enter. I realise that this is the leather shop they were telling me about recently (dream stuff), that has a somewhat-secret sex shop in the basement. I follow them in, and watch as they head straight through an unassuming door on the far side of the shop, descending downstairs. I continue to follow, and see that the stairs lead down to a room that seems like a giant barn. There's a central walkspace where the floor is covered in hay that leads to a laddery set of stairs at the other end, and a few staff members dressed like stereotypical american farmer types. Along the sides of the walkspace are several double beds, most of which are occupied by people fucking. 

I'm a little shocked, and see my housemates continue down the path, seemingly heading upstairs. As they progress, one of the male staff members starts checking out J and says 'I'd like to get him involved ASAP!'. J starts milling around looking pretty pleased with the attention, and for some reason his appearance is somewhat Kenny-Omega-heel-arc-coded, as he is wearing aviators and has mutton chops that lead into a moustache. I follow L after checking the alt-looking fem staff member out briefly, up the stairs at the far end of the barn. We ascend into a small set of rooms that look like a somewhat empty living space with some fitting rooms hastily put together in the middle. She's looking for documents, though I don't know what for.

I mill around a bit as she's doing her thing, and start looking around. There's a small and seemingly unused kitchen off to one side, and there's another door slightly ajar that's leading to other rooms. I stare through the crack, making out details on the other side when someone (actor Nathan Lane) walks past, notices me staring, and then stares back confusedly. He then hurries away and I start chuckling. L appears and I show her the door which she looks through from the same position I did, as somebody else is brought to look through by the person that saw me, and they both see L in the same position as me instead. I find this hilarious and start cracking up, the idea that they see me standing absolutely still, staring through with a weird expression on my face, and then when looking again it's someone else doing exactly the same thing must be so weird and creepy. 

I laugh myself awake.

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