What is this?

This is a blog where I'll be writing up any dreams I feel I'm awake enough to write about. I may even do some analysis.

Treat this as a Dream Diary, basically.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

11th June 19 - Wave

I was with my mum at her house by the sea. It wasn't her real house of course, but the dream decided it would do. I had some things I wanted to get done today, but my mum suggested we go to a neighbouring town instead. I agreed, as I could theoretically get a few things done there.

We head outside and I begin to get annoyed, as if I know something will test my patience soon. It's summer, but it's quite windy and mostly overcast, so it's a bit chilly. We're in a small village next to the sea, surrounded by sand dunes covered in marram grass. The sea is so close to some buildings that I wonder about how long they'll last there, but they seem old enough.

We get into my mum's land rover and set off, the sun peeking through the clouds every once in a while, warming me up. The town is not far at all, and we pull up on the edge of it. There's a structure, like a thatched bugalow with a giant tree at the front of it, with a few people milling around it. The tree has a large wooden door in it, presumably the entrance to the bungalow.

It seems the people are Liverpool FC supporters, and that there is a gathering happening for some reason. My mum wants to get involved, and I very much don't want to. I tell her as much but she suggests it will be fine and I can get involved easily enough.

Someone called The Father is set to lead the group, and I go to write his name above the door on the tree, before realising that's a stupid thing to do. I say to my mum that I'll stay off to one side, but I'm not getting involved in any way, if she tries to get me involved at all, I will scarper.

It seems the fans are all one big happy family, and The Father appears with a microphone, talking to the crowd of maybe 50 or so people. My mum tells me I should talk and I wonder why the fuck she thinks I would want to do that. Queen's It's a Kind of Magic is playing in the background and the microphone starts being passed around, with the crowd providing a couple of words at a time; "One dream." "One goal." etc.

At this point my mum thinks it's a great idea to grab the mic and force it in my face. I think 'fuck this' and just start running away. A scene is caused by this, adding to my frustration.

I decide to get back to our tiny village, but I knew my mum would come after me. I don't want to deal with her though so I don't stop. I then immediately stop as I see a music shop, I think I can see saxophones on sale and want to just double check how expensive they are. It's empty inside the store, most of the stock and displays are gone. There are no saxophones. There's a lone bass drum and pedal set up on display, the rest of the kit gone. It suddenly kicks and the loud noise freaks me out. It must have been set to automatically play every so often. It kicks again, making me jump a second time, and I head out.

I'm on the outskirts of the town and continue on with my run. I head straight up the nearest dune via a winding sandy and rocky path bordered with a small wooden fence. I'm heading up when all of a sudden there's a cow and calf on the path and I almost run into them. The cow looks threatened and stands her ground above the calf, who is happily munching on some marram grass. I step back and assume a non threatening posture, even if I do feel that my mum is potentially very close behind me.

After a few moments the cow calms down. I give her a friendly scritch and mosey on. I get back to the village and wonder where to go. In my head the map for this place is one used to show what happened on the last booze-fueled night of a now-dead rocker. It doesn't help. There's not many places so I head down the hill to the sea, past my mum's house.

There are a few people at the sea edge. There's a sliver of sand next to the coast road, and the waves look nice and calming. The sun is nearing the horizon, now unobscured. The breeze has died off and it's quite warm now. I get close to the water, only for a large wave to form. I scramble backwards quickly, but it manages to soak most of my legs when it crashes down. The wave stretches over the whole coast road up to the edge of the white painted buildings, I really wonder how long this can last. The sea is powerful and unrelenting.

The wave was great fun though, and I wonder if I still have my old bodyboard somewhere, I feel like I could relax quite easily with an activity like that. I turn back up the street and see my mum at the top of the road.

I woke up.

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