What is this?

This is a blog where I'll be writing up any dreams I feel I'm awake enough to write about. I may even do some analysis.

Treat this as a Dream Diary, basically.

Sunday, 9 June 2019

8th June 19 - Mech

I was wearing a mech suit, and playing guitar. I'd been pulled into some sort of bad gang, they were plotting nefarious things and I was helpless to follow.

At some point I was given an injection, and it turns out I had been infected with HIV, presumably at the behest of the leader of this group. A leader who to me evokes a Jack Slash type.

The gang was set up on the upper levels of an apartment block in a suburban area, the main colours of the building were red and yellow.

I sent my mech suit off to try and arrange an out of some description from this gang, only to get killed whilst this was happening; a brutal battering death. My awareness was outside of the building at the time - I could almost see a silhouette of the event through the building walls.

My consciousness survived however. There was a mech suit outside piloted by a guy who had a crush on me, he'd done some fancy scan thing and saved my brain, which let me take over his mech suit.

His mech suit was filled with pictures of his kid sister and family. There might have been a picture of me too.

I could only think of revenge at this point, I no longer had anything to lose. I went straight back into the building from the bottom up, via the stairwells. I eventually met my killer/father(?)/leader of this gang.

I attack him using large steel bolts fired from the mech suit, they're attached to steel cables which were attached to other bolts, letting me fire them elsewhere, tearing the originals out of my opponent. As I was tearing him apart, I believe he was both my father and my step mother in one entity, somehow...

I woke up.

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