What is this?

This is a blog where I'll be writing up any dreams I feel I'm awake enough to write about. I may even do some analysis.

Treat this as a Dream Diary, basically.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

15th June 19 - Bramble

It's a hot summery day, nary a cloud in the sky. I'm in a large featureless car park surrounding a LIDL, the edges of the car park giving way to gravel then grass. It seems mostly full of cars and there are a few people going to and from the store. I head towards the store with the intention of purchasing things.

I get in, grab a basket, and immediately things are feeling somewhat off. I'm having trouble reading the labels to a few items, I'm feeling clumsy and uncoordinated. Am I too low on energy, have I been in the sun too long? I make my way around the store, which turns out to be rather difficult as there are so many people inside. It's actually producing a small amount of claustrophobia in me, so many bodies tightly pressed in.

I make it through the crowd and get to the till. The conveyor is running non stop, so as I'm unloading my groceries they are pushing up at the front and making an awkward day even worse. The employee doesn't seem to notice nor care about the awkward pile up, and starts scanning things through. I am very flustered and can't seem to pack properly, so I'm just awkwardly and roughly shoving things into my backpack.

The lady serving me says that she expects 18 and 19. I'm not really sure what she means, but as she rings up the full amount, I see it has come to £81.19. Close, she says. I applaud her guess and start pulling out cash. It seems I have a few unorthodox notes here. There are a few £10 and £20 notes, I also weirdly have a blue £40 note, and a couple of £50s. I get out the £40 and see that it is an Isle of Man note, and I know it won't be accepted. Turning it over, the printing is messed up and slanted, probably a fake even if it were a real note. I apologise for taking so long and try my best to calculate what I need, this simple level of maths is really taking it's toll on my addled brain.

I eventually hand over enough, get my change, and head out of here. The signs for the exit are confusing me, and I stand there gawking like a lemon. What is this place doing to me? I figure out where to leave and pass an ice cream cooler. I'm sorely tempted, it's a hot day outside, but I doubt they'd have any vegan options. I continue on outside.

Back in  the car park, I can see my dad, and also my dad. He seems to be here twice, wearing different clothes, and is taking a picture of himself. I start walking with him/them away from the store, and tell them that I've heard about some competitions going on at the beach, wondering if they were interested. The beach is too far away they say, from wherever it is we are, and the competition could be in the sea, so it's not worth the hassle of getting there.

I walk away, heading up a nearby grassy hill. As I get to the top, I have to narrowly avoid a child as he swings a bat to his a ball thrown by someone that is presumably his father. I carry on, atop the hill. it is grassy in a way that suggests this area is mowed every so often, though there are a few wild looking trees making this seem unlikely. I consider that this would be a good place to play a game of football or something, I think I have friends nearby. I see a few long green brambly vines stretching across the centre of an open area, and decide they will need to be cleared away. Cutting them off at the source will probably be easier, so I head in the direction I believe they're coming from, starting down another side of the hill.

It seems two of my friends are there playing football (J+H). I head down, there are more of the spiny vines down here, I'm clearly heading in the right direction. My friends join me as we walk on. It's starting to get darker, and we're heading into an urban area. In fact, it's feeling very wintry here, there's snow on some of the buildings. We head further in and find that the vines are getting more concentrated, close to the central point. I believe they are a source of some power, to have stretched so far away. And for what reason were they stretching?

There are a few unconcerned locals pottering about. I see an old housemate once again (D) and two other locals are asking him if he still sees his kid any more, implying that he doesn't, and judging him for that. He looks uncomfortable and leaves.

I find a vine that I think could be the controlling one. I throw something at it, causing several things to happen. Some of the vines lash out towards certain people, and it seems that some of these people were in fact super-powered. A brawl erupts and people are flying through the air, people knocking other people into buildings, flashes of blue light. One man; bald, grey skin, white eyes surrounded by black lines, a blue tightly covered outfit - he gets thrown back through the street and into a building....

I woke up.

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