I was bunking off work, travelling from place to place. I ended up on a swampy location but things didn't seem quite right.
There were quite a few people travelling in much the same manner, and some were trying these deadly puzzle areas out. Pipes spewing fireballs, and small structures full of hard beam firing robots wearing masks were traversed without much difficulty.
I left the puzzles and met with one of my old housemates. He started to antagonise a nearby person, presumably knowing she would punish him - he is into that kind of thing.
She does start punishing him and, and the weird semi sexual effects are also done to me somehow, whilst I'm sat a good few meters away. I am livid, and have a big argument with him.
In all the punishment, the major surgery I had last year semi-undoes itself in a completely impossible way that leaves me very confused and rather perturbed. I needed the toilet though and that seemed easier to process and focus on.
I went into a large warehouse style building where I knew the nearest toilets were located. A large number of small bald yellowy aliens were moving boxes too and fro, with an old lady (an old coworker?) watching over. One of the aliens was disguised as a small boy and seemed annoyed at me. Maybe because his disguise was rubbish?
I went into the ladies toilets only to discover that the stall walls and doors were pretty much nonexistent, there were even holes going into the men's room. I sit down at a toilet and my hairdresser walks in, staring intensely at her phone, she seems unconcerned with the lack of walls in a very annoying way. I plead with her to sort out the wall situation but she doesn't do much. I can see a man sat in the men's toilet at this point - he waves at me through the holes in the wall.
I resolve to get my business done and get out of here ASAP, only I am once more confused as the toilet paper seems to be a plasticy cloth, multicolored. I get over that and look up to see that the toilets had rearranged so that we were all watching a screen where I think Mario Kart might have been being played.
I finally finished with the toilet and the people left. I decided to try and contact my doctor about the surgery issue via phone. For some reason, the doctor didn't really seem to be that surprised by what had happened, which annoyed me.
I woke up.
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