What is this?

This is a blog where I'll be writing up any dreams I feel I'm awake enough to write about. I may even do some analysis.

Treat this as a Dream Diary, basically.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

19th June 19 - Antlers

I'm going through school, only this time things are a little bit different. I have a skill tree that I can put points into, granting skills, powers, and abilities. Apparently I have massively misjudged how to choose a path though if the casual bullying is any indicator.

I start again, I'm at school, lessons are boring and easy. I plan a path out, I want the points that give me the greatest flexibility in abilities, and I want them ASAP.

As I play along I come across my friend (T) who is late level. He's a dog elemental and is just chilling with a bunch of dogs, a placid smile on his face. He has grown some incredibly long hair and has the beard to match. He also has a pair of giant antlers sticking out of his head, easily two meters across from tip to tip. The antlers have a curtain of sleek, straight hair falling from them to the floor.

I get the points that I want but lose interest. I'm playing FIFA now, but not really concentrating. I concede a goal which is rather annoying to me. What's more annoying is seeing the realistic celebrations of Jurgen Klopp on screen, I believe I'm playing a champions league final. I stop playing, whilst complaining to a friend over Skype.

I decide to check Facebook. Another friend of mine (Ja) has uploaded a picture of him and a child of his coming down a slide on a dark wintry day. His caption is 'this is the greatest day of my life so far', but I'm not sure I believe it as I recall him saying that with another picture very recently.

I see a message addressed to me, my manager (C) has asked me if I know what's happened to a catheter that was sent to my address by accident. This confuses me a lot - why would they be mailing a catheter? I realise I've misread though and the message is actually addressed to someone else.

I woke up.

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